Deciphering Recurring Dreams Messages from the Subconscious

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Deciphering Recurring Dreams: Messages from the Subconscious

Recurring dreams can be unsolved puzzles, filled with mysterious symbols, emotions, and scenarios. Sometimes these dreams raise the question if they really mean more than what meets the eye. Be it the frequent dream of loved ones who have gone ahead into the afterlife, accidents involving unsettling nightmares, or repeatedly seeing the same scenes in your sleep-the time is here to comprehend such recurring dreams, which are messages from the subconscious or even a reflection of the energy that surrounds you.

In her newly uploaded video, Susan, spiritual guide and dream interpreter, shared her insight about recurring dreams. Her message was simple, dreams carry with them great messages, it is for us to interpret them, get the meaning out of them, and apply them to ourselves so as to make ourselves better.

The Significance of Recurring Dreams

However, even though dreams may at times appear illogical and sometimes even senseless, they are not random. More so, recurring dreams are likely to symbolize unresolved problems, fears, or unattended feelings that your subconscious mind wants you to handle. As Susan states, an explanation of recurring dreams, as in all dreams, involves messages from either the subconscious mind or, as some people would have it, spiritual energies, which one should show caution about.

One major point Susan had brought out in her talk is that in a dream, everything counts-be it the color, the place, or somebody who stood in front of you in your dream-all clues to get you deciphering the message. For example, finding oneself in an old childhood home may hint at unfinished business of the past. It would be related- if it's a person who has died -to something going on in your life today that they could see from the other side.

How to Understand Your Dreams

According to Susan, "Common dream symbols can be interpreted with the help of materials such as The Dreamers Dictionary from A to Z. One would just have to write down some key points in his dream to enable him to give a better description of what the subconscious is trying to say.".

These hidden messages of dreams are present, yet elusive unless approached in some sort of structured manner. Keeping a dream journal is one suggestion given in this regard by Susan. Writing down your dreams immediately you wake, when the images are fresh in your mind, begins the process. Patterns or recurring themes, invaluable in deciphering what was said in your dreams, are seen much clearer with time as journaling is done.

For instance, if you dream that you are falling every night, that can be interpreted as losing control in real life. If some dream of teeth falling out, that may mean they are insecure or afraid about their personal appearance, or they may think they fail to talk properly. The more you document and analyze your dreams, the better equipped you will be to understand their underlying messages.

Messages from Loved Ones through Dreams

It is sometimes especially poignant feeling of a dream: when the dear one died. Susan says, "When we dream about the deceased family or friends, we should first of all pay attention to the emotion expressed in the dream. Sometimes the dead person's thinking or feelings about us, regarding something going on in our present life, can be reflected through this method.

She said that many of her clients dream about their loved ones who have passed, but the loved ones aren't happy or appear to be cranky. That does not mean the person is unhappy in the afterlife; what is bothering them is what they are seeing in your life. If there is some kind of family strife taking place-perhaps fighting over an estate or property-your loved one may appear to you in a dream to nudge you to take control and get it sorted.

These dreams remind us that our loved ones are ever connected with us in spirit, as long as physically they are not with us, and every message that they may try to convey-either comforting or cautionary-leads us toward emotional healing and resolution.

Intuition and Energy: The Purposes of Recurring Dreams

Recurrence in dream themes may intuitively imply to the spiritualist that super strong energies surround them. It is here that the type of dream one has could be related to the energy-young or old-around a person, as Susan has said in the video.

If scary or bloody dreams plague you, this is your dead giveaway that the energy in your surroundings has gone off kilter. Susan recommends spiritual cleansing through a process called saging if this is the case. Done for ages to clean out negative energies in spaces, saging refers to the burning of sage and letting the smoke clear your house of all stale and injurious energies.

Susan insists that saging can be done more regularly, mainly when one is sensitive to energy or having night terrors more often. She even goes to the extent of providing a video of how to correctly sage a space since, according to her, most people are not achieving results from saging because they are doing it the wrong way. Done correctly, saging helps tone down the negativity in your dreams by clearing off the energy that may contribute to negative dream occurrence.

Dreams Give a Way to Personal Growth

As a matter of fact, not all nightmares, especially the recurring ones, have to be feared. This may even be an extremely important message to pay close attention to: be it a remaining, unresolved conflict, an unhealed wound, or some other kind of emotional imbalance, calling the attention of the subconscious mind.

Susan installs in our minds that every day is incomplete and not every dream is perfect; that's okay. Even then, all those tough dreams too have something valuable to tell us. Maybe they urge us to do something, change things around us, or think over how to deal with a situation.

It's an attitude toward such dreams-to not be afraid of what they can show but, on the contrary, to use them as a means for growth and further self-reflection. Even when they may seem uncomfortable, dreams often indicate something in the waking life that needs some attention.

Saging: Cleaning the Energy for Better Dreams

The most practical ways of dealing with recurring nightmares are energy clearings. Susan says, "Smudging your space with sage on a regular basis will keep the environment free of negative energies," and distressing dreams will be less frequent.

Saging or smudging involves the lighting of dry sage leaves, allowing smoke to purify your house, your aura, or generally whatever there may be around. Such forms of rituals find their origin in ancient times and have been passed down to modern times by many a culture to sweep away negativity and bring about healing.

She suggests saging at least once a week for highly intuitive people and when one is having too many negative dreams. It will keep your environments clear of negative energy and allow the positive dreams with spiritual insight to manifest.

Dreams are a Passageway to Reality

In the final analysis, recurring dreams are powerful ways of gaining insight into ourselves and the world around us. They let some light into our subconsciousness and show those things we could not see in real life-some pieces of our emotions, fears, and wishes. By closely considering what you see, all the signs and repeating themes of your dream, you disclose really valuable knowledge that can point you toward personal growth and emotional cure.

Without discounting those dreams like they meant nothing, instead use them as a building block to find out more about the self. Keeping a journal and taking the time into the message one is told within the dream, using some resourceful materials such as The Dreamers Dictionary, helps interpret the symbols. And when that negative energy does strike, smudging your space with sage refreshes an atmosphere where turmoil once lived.

Your dreams are your subconscious guide to giving you clues on how to live your wakeful life. Decoding these meanings and embracing the insight that your dreams bring in could be one of the most assured ways one could employ in acquiring personal clarity, growth, and healing.
